
  • Making Photos Come Alive in Motion

    In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to separate your photos into layers then animate them in a variety of compelling ways using Pixelmator, Motion & mPuppet.
  • Animating with Behaviors in Motion

    Learn how to quickly create stunning motion graphics using Motion’s unique and powerful set of procedural animation tools called Behaviors.
  • Drawing and Animating Shapes in Motion

    Learn how to draw and animate shapes, which are the building blocks of motion graphics in Apple’s Motion.
  • Using & Animating 3D Cameras in Motion

    Jump into the director’s chair as you set up 3D scenes; frame your subjects; then dolly, sweep, pan and create fluid camera movement for your motion graphics projects.
  • Using 3D Objects in Motion

    This tutorial will teach you the key factors you need to know to be able to work with 3D models in both Motion and Final Cut Pro.
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